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So I thought I would share how my experience with the system itself and how some of the games are. I have bought ac4, kz, and bf4. I also dl resogun and contrast.




I downloaded the update no problem. I didn't do the midnight launch though. Just in the morning. The UI itself seems snappy enough, alot better than the ps3's for sure. There were some issues though with changing some account info/various things that have to do with online. This was understandable though since it was day one. The psn store feels better than that mess on the ps3 xD. I haven't tried the other features like online yet since I just didn't. Online mp on day one would be prob hit or miss anyways though.




It feels solid overall. Def an improvement over the ds3. The touchpad was iffy to me. In kz it worked fine enough, but sometimes my hands would bump into into and it would react by changing owls mode. That might be because I'm not use to it though. One thing I found amusing was the ds4 would change colors while I played. I was amused xD. Triggers, grip feel real nice overall.



Ok, let’s get this out of the way! This game looks gorgeous period! Def next gen. I played up to chapter 3 or 4. The game itself seems rather good when it gives you free reign like in the forest level. The third level has to be one of the most mudane sections I've played. There was some weird zero gravity thing in the begining. It feels like going from point a to b. You're prob saying, but BloodyRain, it's an fps that’s what you're supposed to do! Well, yes, but when you're actually shooting at something. That section barely had any enemies. I haven't finished this section yet though, since I got bored. I was just going around in circles; maybe I'm just bad at this section lol. So impression may change overall. Honestly speaking from first impressions, the only aspect this game impressed me in was visually. Gunplay seems fine, snappier then previous kz's. Out of all the games that I have played, this seemed to be the one I currently like the least.


Now I gave this a chance since it was an open world game with pirates even though ac3 was just meh. Well mostly since watch dogs got delayed. From first impressions. I can honestly say I am enjoying this title. Yes, Yes this is still ac at its core. Combat is the same for anyone who has played previous ac's. Visually, it looks really nice. Maybe not a huge leap as kz, but this is a transitional game. The main character is already more likable then Connor. The games beginning is quick and doesn't force you to stay on a farm for ages before it lets you run wild. Ship combat has been improved from ac3. I liked this game quite a bit, I might be a bit bias though since I always wanted an open world pirate game xD.


Wow, just Wow! This game is bloody awesome. Visually it is really pleasing with all the voxels. The gameplay is simple, but rather addicting. This is def a must buy if you get a ps4 later. Seriously buy it dammit! The controls are solid and responsive, One feature I did enjoy was the voice that comes out of the ds4 speaker that tells you when various things happen. Overall, I wasn’t expecting much, but was blown away!



Haven't played yet


Not yet.

Feel free to ask my any questions!