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ssj12 said:
gebx said:
leo-j said:
kuraobi said:
I really don't understand why MS would want to add a BR player to the 360... What's the point ?

To drop the advantage the PS3 has over the Xbox 360 in terms of a blu-ray player.

Reread the article...

Everyone is assuming MS contacted Sony.. but its probably the opposite

Blu Ray drive added on or in the 360 is a win for Sony... not for MS.

Why would MS PAY royalty fees to Sony to promote its technology?

BluRay isn't the dominant format yet (if ever) so why help it along if your a competitor?

None of this makes sense, unless its Sony who's pushing MS to adopt the Blu Ray drive!

 to support what their customers want. Unless of course M$ saying they care about their customers is bs.

You clearly have no clue about the 360 customer...

They're gamers, they want a gaming machine. If they wanted an HD movie player, they would of purchased the PS3.

The only reason why the HD-DVD sold was because it was a cheap option to get HD movies.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)