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There is nothing here that suggests it is an old franchise. Probably ND's game. 


Kevin: Ooh. I know a spoiler

Emily: I heard something was happening Thursday

Kevin: I got a little inside secret

Kevin: About a certain franchise that Sony has

Emily: Is this going to be announced on Thursday because I heard a thing that might be announced Thursday

Kevin: Is it about one of Sony’s favourite franchises?

Emily: Hmm-hmm.

Kevin: Is this an area we have charted before in our discussion?

Emily: <laughs> <claps>

Brian: Are we talking about ‘Bandipoop’?

Kevin: Yep! That’s what we’re talking about.

Kevin/Emily: <Laughs>

Kevin: You’ve heard about it?

Emily: I actually ran into a guy on the street last night who was talking to me about it but that was the first I’d heard of it was this random guy on the street.

Kevin: I think I can reveal...I’m trying to remember what I can say...because once this kitten lept out of the bag, once the jack in the box popped out - ‘oh I can’t wait to talk about that’. But now I don’t know if I can. 

Emily: You’re really giving everyone blue balls right now.

Kevin: Yeah...umm...some people were talking about space. Space, I’m gonna say that. Did you like Gravity? I love space. That’s all I need to say on that one.