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Zappykins said:
Dump the insurance companies and their CEO's and stuff that make multi million dollar profits of cutting people out of their health insurance.

Anyone who thinks 'free market' and 'health care' should go together has been drinking too much koch.

So much of the world has better health care than the USA and they pay many times less. Fact USA's health care is only slightly better than Mexico's yet cost 7 times as much.

Anyone who thinks that there has been anything resembeling 'free market' in health care has been drinking too much koch.

If there were more competition from reducing regulatory burdens, people actually investigating their insurance companies reputation and reading their insurance contracts and asking questions their would be considerably better healthcare. 

And Mexico's health care system is even close to that of the United states and is an absurd comparison without anu basis at all.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE