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psrock said:
sales2099 said:

Listen, don't want to make a big thing, but many people like PS4 not only for what it offers, but because it is socially unacceptable to praise Xbox 1 at the moment.

So instead of the vibe where PS4 is great "because Xbox 1 fails" its now going to be "PS4 is ______ based on its launch lineup reception".

Not complicated, and I am not taking a dig at PS4. You can put away the claws ;)

Let's me it clear why the PS4 is popular:

It's cheaper and yet more powerful, it's from sony, so it will get the best exclusives games. And, this time multiplat games are just as good. 

I could care less about xbox fail stuff, Sony focused on their own misakes from last Gen and made a very good console. One thing I never worry about Sony : games.

Your opinion isn't the one brush stroke that encompasses the thoughts of everyone who likes PS4.Your post.......good god. I have been away from this place so long I forgot what it is like to read pure unadulterated bias.

Its cheaper....k. Thats nice. The power difference is at its core so miniscule that you have to be delusional to believe it is anything significant for the masses to see (splz click on my link in sig). "It's Sony".....I am not even going to get into that. Best exclusives? That is entirely subjective.

Don't see why you have trouble thinking that many 360 gamers are switching to PS4 because they didn't like Xbox 1's mistakes? To many, PS4 is appealing by default, deal with it. Your last line makes me facepalm......not-so-thinly-veiled zealotry. Cmon.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.