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Funny thing to me, we've been getting the same FPS games over and over again and it seems like it's just now registering with critics.

Killzone has always been a mediocre shooter series, this one just happened to look especially nice. Surprised by Knack, it looked like a more difficult Crash Bandicoot which could have been fun.

On the flipside, BF4 and AC4 look amazing and are pretty solid games. Ghosts is a big boost up from the PS3/Xbox 360 versions as well.

Ryse looks awful and DR3 looks like it's still in beta, so I'm curious to see how those rate (from everybody except Polygon, where they'll naturally be praised.) Forza may get some good reviews, curious to see if anyone calls out their $60 pricetag for what's essentially an advanced Free-to-Play model.