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I'm going to say that Forza 5 will probably review very well despite lacking content versus previous entries. I'm thinking Ryse is not going to do so hot. It already had ugly things being said about it by the people who were going to review it later while Killzone really didn't and well... we saw how that turned out. Based on Digital Foundry's showing of Dead Rising 3's performance issues and that the game was already said to have issues even as far back as E3, I don't think Capcom is going to like what the reviews say. Killer Instinct? That will mostly depend on whether or not reviewers can get over it being only a partial game at launch. If they can, decent score. If they can't, bad score. Everything else is likely not a big deal since those were the titles everyone was hyping. A good score on a game like Zoo Tycoon or Powerstar Golf is a little difficult to claim as a reason to own an X1.