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Your logic is daft. Ps4 has won...pre order sign ups. to win the console gen they will need casuals. If you don't see how cool the Kinect is for families, ok. just look what it does and look at the fan boys words after they try it. Clearly you don't play games all day because you are here spreading propaganda. Yes, it is true. I for one don't play games all day, due to work and the gym, and kids and so forth yet I'd wager I'd destroy you guys at your game of choice because while I'm working you are here so we have similar hours in gaming. I look forward to X1 skyping with family and friends, updating my fantasy teams, watching t.v., watching you not gaming trolling others who are, play cds, mp3 downloading, and playing games from PC, ps4, Wii u, all on my X1. When word of mouth gets out loads of folks will see how snapping and the X1 will likely even appeal to the Japanese too. The X1 should at least double its market share in Japan, which is a win by its self. 

Just because you chose to quote a famous dead person does not mean that you are some type of intellect nor does it mean that the quote in question is correct.