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As I said in a my thread from 2011, Nintendo needs to have their games on their hardware plus 3rd party plus full android-like app/media entertainment options. They NEED this if they expect to remain viable in the home console business.

Wanted to quote what I said in that long post. I had a thread in 2011 that tried to state why all three needed these uber-entertainment devices where gaming was mearly one of many features vs the primal feature.

MS has done this with X1.

Sony has pretty much done this, though they PR like its still a primary game console.

Nintendo is only one without all of this or only has small parts of this and I'm telling you what I said in 2011 was right. They won't succeed due to that failure to recognize where the market was heading.

N7 needs all of that with their 1st party being the big difference maker.