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Joelcool7 said:
I absolutely hate to say this, but at this point I have ditched all of my projections whoever is in charge of Nintendo right now (Iwata) isn't following his own marketing and branding strategy. WiiU isn't disruptive it has no innovative games to speak of, their is no unique Nintendo experiences. Nintendo is churning out crappy sequel after crappy sequel and remake after remake and hoping that gamers who like unique disruptive Nintendo experiences will buy them.

Honestly I think Nintendo has done so much damage to its brand, so much damage to the WiiU that it is now beyond saving. I said earlier this year GameCube sales was the worst case scenario but after the delay of Donkey Kong/ Watch Dogs after the decision by Nintendo to launch Wii Sports Club at a ridiculous price. After the choice to market in malls rather then get the dang system into gamer hands, pricing of the basic bundle.

I just don't see any good end for WiiU this fiscal year. The 9 million projection is now completely lost, my 15 million projection which would have been possible had Nintendo followed its own marketing and branding strategy now would be completely insane.

Now Nintendo Canada when I talked to them this year, one of the higher ups said massive game development started this year. She said in 2015 we would see the amazing games they are working on but that they simply didn't have many games in development till now.

Well to that I say, by 2015 Nintendo will be lucky if any retailers still carry the WiiU. No Nintendo is not doomed and no Nintendo isn't actually going to go anywhere, but somebody needs to lose their job because branding and marketing at Nintendo with 3DS initially and now WiiU has been horrific.

How do you sell a unique disruptive console that doesn't have any unique or disruptive games? How do you sell an innovative console that lacks any software that uses its innovations? The problem isn't the WiiU hardware it isn't the third parties like UbiSoft that brought ZombiU a unique disruptive game who was implementing NFC in Rayman before porting. The problem lies squarely with Nintendo's own first party studios and their marketing, branding teams which really screwed them over royally!

Well that's my rant, you can't fragment your market by releasing a casual model that doesn't appeal to your early adapter core. You can sell a brand of innovation and unique gameplay experiences without offering a single unique gameplay experience and you certainly can't sell a console successfully ignoring your core audience of product evangelists and trying to cut them out of the equation with mall tours.

