Michael-5 said:
F0X said:
Bravo. Seven is a lucky number. Mario Kart 7 has a "community" system. And the 3DS is all about playing games in 3D. Stereoscopic 3D, that is. *evil laughter*
All that work trying to get someone to say FFVII was worth it.
#49. Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
I have a confession to make: I was never a huge Mario Kart fan until I played Mario Kart 7. The main draw for me was the drifting mechanics, which remind me of Nintendo's best racing franchise: F-Zero. So, MK7 became the first Mario Kart game I've ever earned three stars in, and the first Nintendo-developed game I've spent more than ten hours playing online. Brilliant racing game. Mario Kart 8 looks to be even better (and more like F-Zero), so for the first time ever, I'm immensely hyped for a game in this series.
OH! I get how FF 7 was a hint now. When you said this is the games first appearance into 3D gaming, I didn't think you ment stereoscopic 3D, I thought you meant in game.
I can't play Mario Kart on Handhelds. It's just not fun without friends behind you to yell at.
More reason to expect Mario Kart 8 to be the greatest racing game ever.