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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
small44 said:

ps1 > n64 (ps1 had more support then n64)
ps2 > gamecube (ps2 had more support then gamecube and playstation brand became big)
ds > psp (ds attract casual and Nintendo brand on handheld is bigger+psp bad third party support+the fact that first party on sony game console are irrelevant) 
wii > ps3/360 (wii attract casual,ps3 and 360 was direct competitor that cause lower sale for both console if xbox didn't exist all those people would goes on ps3)
3ds > vita (3ds is weaker) (3d outsell psvita because of brand and casual game and 3ds get all big ip in Japan and psv get any big ip in Japan )

ps4 will sold well because of the brand popularity,and the fact ps4 in less expensive then his direct compititor,and because of third party wii u will not sell as well because they had only first pary.

Actually... the wiiU is selling more than the ps4 cause the ps4 isn't even out yet... If your stupid enough to include the pre-orders as actual sales, it still loses because there are about 1 million pre-orders and the wiiU sold nearly 4 million

But just watch... in 2014... you are gonna be dissappointed about the sales of ps4 vs wiiU

Ps3 outsold xbox360 despite it come 1 years and half after and despite xbox360 was less expensives will the same games as ps3 and a lot of exclusive dlc and game from third party on xbox360  so it will be easy to ps4 to outsold wii u.

I give ps4 one year and half to outsold wii u wait and see.

It's stupid to think because one console sold poorly all other console will do the same,the only way to ps4 to fail it's if third party stop make game witch is imposible.


Edit: Quote tree shortened by TruckOSaurus - Please refer to this post for Quote Tree Guidelines 

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m