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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Nintendo also had arguably better third party support on the gamecube than on the wii cause most of the games were either minigames, terriable ports or had motion controls that did not work, so third party didn't help much either the gamecube much either... One of the main reasons the wii sold so much was cause of stuff like wiisports and wii fit which were also made by Nintendo... So yea, I think people do buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games

Another thing you should also think about is, Gamecube had Super Mario Sunshine which a lot of people didn't like. It had Wind Waker which also a ton of people didn't like cause of its cartoon art style even though it is a great game. Really the only games that were great on it was Metroid, RE4 and Melee ( I am sure I am missing a few more but those come to mind atm)... On the wii however, there was Brawl, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Metroid, Skyward Sword and many others which are also some of the highest rated games in many websites to date... 

It dosn't look like casual are interrested by wii u without third party and casual support a Nintendo Home console can't succeed.

80 millions is really too hight 50 millions is more resonnable.

You can't compare playstation 4 and xboxone with wii u is not because wii u underperformed that ps4 and one.


Edit: Quote tree shortened by TruckOSaurus - Please refer to this post for Quote Tree Guidelines

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m