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Inspired by kingofwale, i present to you, the first day purchase thread! post the game (and date) of purchase together with the boxart of the game (to make it more colorful) and a nice story if you have one (talking about the specific day, number of people, events etc).

My first day purchase happens to be the greatest game of all time, it's no secret what that is:

 It was a cold day in december, 2 weeks before christmas (11th december 1998). My mom took me to the city (back then i lived on the country side) and we went to the Discovery (game shop) where i ordered the game some time ago. When i arrived around 100 people were already waiting for the game, including (to my surprise) my 40 year old neighbour. We talked about the huge anticipation and stuff. It was a very long wait, i remember the truck that would have delivered the game had lots of delays, was stuck in the snow and who knows what more. And then the storage room went open, huge boxes with games in them were loaded off the truck, everyone ripped open the boxes like they were cavemen looking for food, got their copy and went to the checkout. When i went home, i immediately went to my N64, pulled the cartridge out that was already in, and put the nice grey with black cartridge in the slot. I started the game, together with goosebumps and an epic feeling was floating through my body, knowing i was playing the greatest game of all time.

Now it's your turn, share your epic stories. 

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!