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Lulz said:
Am I the only one that finds it amusing how all of the PS fans are suddenly claiming games that have bigger draw distances and a nicer colour palette are more visually impressive when last gen Halo Reach/4 couldn't get any credit for such things in comparison to closed in, duller coloured games like Uncharted?

I just find it funny how people's tunes change whenever it's convenient for them.

Looks pretty colorful to me xD


Nah but the difference is that Shadow Fall actually looks rather strong in terms of assets compared to Ryse. Looking at both of them: They're doing very different things and both are looking jaw droppingly nice.

The textures are stellar in both titles. The games you listed just didn't have it in the same way that the top visually looking games the games on PS3 did. Hence no matter how technically impressive they were: Most would list the games that had the stronger visual assets.

However once both games look impressive: You have to start taking other things into account as well.

Ryse has the better characters and facial animations most probably, but what about the textures, particles, lighting, color palette, draw distance, general effects, AA solution, IQ, screen resolution, frame rate and so forth.

I think most of us should just wait and play both before drawing any conclusion. It's too hard to judge at the moment.

Shadow Fall could look like horseshit in some areas or maybe Ryse drops to 10 frames at some point. We don't know!