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Pemalite said:
Hynad said:

You must be joking about crysis.The internet was crying back then with how much demanding and badly optimised its engine was. As for the rest of your points, sure, consoles don't have to run as many things, which makes them more efficient. You talk about scaling things down on PC to achieve better performance. You have to scale them to a point where the games look just the same, if not worse, than they do on consoles (with same specs).  And then you imply mods and ini tweaks to make sure the game doesn't even run as intended. As I said, you're being disingenious.

As for your bias, one has to be totally blind to not see you're a PC elitist.

I'm not joking about Crysis, I used to be a mod at the InCrysis forums, so I spent allot of time with the origional game and helping people get the most out of their hardware to run it via .ini and driver tweaks.
Not to mention I actually had a Geforce 7950 GX2 back then.
Granted, I wasn't exactly trying to push any higher than 1280x1024@30fps and didn't bother with the Anti-Aliasing.

As for scaling, it works both ways on the PC. You can scale Oblivion from this:

To max graphics:

And even farther beyond (I was also a mod at the Oldblivion forums.):

Or lets use GTA IV as an example of not only being able to scale down games to run on weaker hardware, but in the opposite direct too?
Looks better than GTA 5.

Nothing like being part of the PC gaming master race, I can assure you. - Always have the best graphics.

As for throwing words like disingenious and biased at me, if you're attempting to get a negative reaction, it's not going to happen.

The topic is about efficiency. Not about scaling. I've already made my points. Which you didn't disprove.

Specs for specs, consoles are more efficient at running games. The OS footprint, among other things, is in part responsible for this. I gave you the point about Mantle. That it has the potential to turn this around. But we'll have to wait for when it comes out to really be the judge of this.

Build me a PC with 512GB of total RAM, with CPU and GPU comparable to those found in the PS3 and 360, and then show me a direct feed video of it. Otherwise, I don't see how you can make me believe you ran Crysis as well as on the 360 with such low PC specs.