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DevilRising said:
fatslob-:O said:
I don't see why people disagree with the X1 selling more than the WII U. The X1 has the games that the mass market wants whereas the most of the WII U games are pretty irrelevant when it comes to the sales and that pretty much tells me that the WII U is pretty likely to flop without them.

Higher price vs No mass market games or other 3rd party games - Pick what you think has the least amount of bullshit to deal with and may the one with the least bullshit win.

That is entirely subjective. Unless of course by "the games the mass market wants" you mean Halo and Titanfall.

The only 3rd party game Wii U isn't getting this holiday that actually matters is GTAV, and there still hasn't been a 100% confirmation one way or another that it won't eventually get a port, along with the other next gen consoles getting ports. It's getting Watch_Dogs the same as everyone else next year (after being pushed back). It's got Batman, it's got Assassin's Creed, it's got CoD: Ghosts. I suppose you could argue Battlefield 4, but it seems the "mass market" tends to care more about CoD than BF. It certainly isn't getting as many multiplats as it could or should, but it's still got a healthy showing this holiday season, and so long as console sales improve, which they inevitably will, then it will most likely have a healthy showing next holiday season as well.

There is certainly an argument to be made that "if you like _____ type of game", you should get either a Wii U or Xbox One. That is something that you can actually say. But on the other side of your argument, Wii U is $200 cheaper than XB1, comes with a game (or games) in the box, has free online play with no BS membership fees, has 100% backwards compatibility with Wii games and controllers, something neither hte XB1 or PS4 have, and thus you don't have to spend money buying last gen's games all over again through a "cloud" or whatever. The Wii U eShop has an ever growing list of cool looking indie titles, many of which are NOT headed to Xbox One, and in some cases even not to PS4, along with the Virtual Console service (which will increase in value when they start releasing GC and GBA games). All in all, despite it's flaws, despite Nintendo tripping over themselves and dropping the ball in 2013, the Wii U still has a lot going for it, and with more and more quality games coming out for it, yes, I do think that it still has a healthy chance at beating XB1 in lifetime sales this gen.

For all we know, it could explode at some point and become the market leader, surprising everyone. PS4 isn't guaranteed victory before it's even released. No one is guaranteed victory yet. But I am pretty confident that Wii U at least has a strong chance of outselling XB1. We'll all have to see though.

I seriously doubt that rockstar work with nintendo platforms. Battlefield 4 is actually a pretty big game. The WII U may be doing decently right now in terms of providing content but how about the future ? If third party games keep bombing on the WII U I see no reason for multiplatform developers to continue porting to the WII U. So I wonder about the future of thrid parties on the WII U. The problem with the WII U outselling the X1 has to do with the fact that no one else other than nintendo fans seem to be buying the consoles. Sure it may have a price advantage and all but it doesn't have a massive enough audience. That's partly due to the fact that alot of users from the WII didn't play much third party games and that nintendo isn't for it's third party games on it's platforms. The WII U is pretty much the antithesis to the WII in every way possible. 

It needs to explode soon or otherwise the momentum is going to drive down like crazy when the PS4 launches. Nintendo made a very important mistake of pricing the console at $350 initally and $300 barebones but don't worry the steambox will likely flop the hardest.