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Mr Khan said:
I still can't believe people are rationalizing Sony charging for online multiplayer. It's ridiculous on its face.

People can and will rationalize almost anything, given proper motivation. As a longtime Nintendo fan, I would be fucking furious if they had tried to pull what Sony is pulling with online play this gen. If I had to pay for online play on Wii U, I very well might not ever bother playing Wii U games online. It's just the principle of the matter, I don't feel like after spending $50+ on a game, that I should have to spend MORE money just to use a feature already on the fucking disc, especially one that has become as commonplace as online modes. I don't mind paying for completely optional DLC, so long as it is just extra content for the game. But I DO mind any kind of BS where they charge you money for shit they already put on the disc. That is absurd, and slap in the customer's face.