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DonFerrari said:

Have you been reading different news than everyone??? Multiplats are performing better on PS4.

About the control, most reviewers seemed to like it, so unless you had personal experience with it and didn't liked I don't see from were you took that (maybe you just don't like the pad?)

Why would you bother even asking this, or phrasing it thus? Just because a few multiplats are "performing better" according to preview copies for launch, that does not imply that that is going to be the case for the entire generation. There will undoubtedly be multiplat titles that are better on XB1 than PS4, and vice versa. And despite a slight level of graphical disparity, believe it or not, there just might be at least a couple of multiplat titles that are best on Wii U. That is just how things go. Always has been, dating all the way back to at least the 2nd Generation of consoles.

And yes, I have handled the controller. They have kiosks at Best Buy and other places dude. It's not hard to find one. I'm just not a fan. I've always liked the PS controller design, EXCEPT for the d-pad, which I've never liked. But I just don't care for this PS4 controller design with the fairly-pointless little touchpad thrown in the middle. Just my opinion, that's all.