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Hynad said:

How disingenious. You conveniently omit to mention the amount of RAM in your biased analysis. And again, you mention that with better hardware, PCs are better. That was not the point, but you just can't help but keep shoving this down everyone's throat. Just like this 1080p comment you like to boast about at every single turn for no reason other than to brag about your setup. ¬_¬

The point was that similar specs for similar specs, consoles are more efficient than PCs. Put 512MB of RAM in those PC build you talked about and then come back with a fair analysis.

Now, you mentioned Mantle. That may change all this (and is a very nice tech if it works as intended), but let's wait until it's out before passing judgment. ¬_¬

And btw, Crysis, on a PC with specs similar to the XBox 360's ran like horse shit.

Side-stepping the issue.
If you take Oblivion for instance, on the PC you could scale it down to 512Mb of Ram, Geforce 3 and a Pentium 3. - That's Xbox 1 Level GPU/CPU there which was an Xbox 360 game.

In general, of course the PC needs more Ram, it's doing 9000x more things at once than the console are and with better image quality, that kind of thing isn't for free you know.
Hows about those Next-Generation consoles and their OS's using more Ram than my PC just for OS and a couple of applications? And they still can't do 1/10th of what my PC can?

As for Crysis running like crap on hardware similar to the consoles, that simply ain't true. You could achieve 30fps by dropping the game to Direct X 9, applying a few tweaks to get the Ultra quality. - It's was well documented on the Crysis forums.

Heck, a 6 year old PC can still run every Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Multiplatform game at 720P with at-least 30fps with a $30 GPU upgrade, Crysis Included.

As for 27" 1440P panels, they're now at a point where they are reasonably cheap, I.E. Couple hundred bucks. - If you have a high-end GPU, you shouldn't really be stuck in last-decade stuff and using 1080P unless you want 120hz.

If you think I'm being biased, so be it. I really couldn't care less, I've been accused of being an Xbox and a Playstation fanboy in the past on these forums, which is ironic really.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--