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fatslob-:O said:

How exactly am I doing damage control by giving an analysis ? Talk about insecurity.

Newsflash, these newer consoles are almost PCs. I guess you aren't keeping up too much then ?

How exactly is "more with less" a cop out when you were clearly trying to gain more credibility with that statement to gain some grounds ? 

I didn't exactly say that I didn't "need" concrete evidence! I said that it wouldn't "matter" much because official developers will NOT specifically give ANY official specs. Better to go off of what we have than to wait and hence why I would rather look for something "consistent".

Power usage correlates with power whether or not you like! 

"You've made a claim based on one thing power usage to declare something as fact, it's not me who needs credibility it's you yourself and your anonymous source."

Hey guys I have some unknown 1 watt GPU that can destry a 300 watts beast known as the R9 290X. /sarcasm

So I guess I can't make a claim based on power usage eh ? 

Look at your own posts, basing assumptions on first year games as a basis and lol no these consoles may use a different architecture then before but they're far from PCs in both power and how they operate, go to PC specific sites and they'll crucify you for the comparison. Your more with less is a cop out because it's a means of dodging trying to respond to other peoples stances like when someone brought up Shi'en or when some brings up a much better looking game like X, it's a little get out of jail card to hide behind.

Again I don't need credibility I never made any hardware claims your failure to understand this concept further highlights the flaws in your approach to any argument, you did the claim and tried to pass it off as concrete not anyone else. Oh and your earlier post on concrete evidence.

"I couldn't care less about gaf. It doesn't matter if I have conrete evidence. I look for what's the most consistent. The performance so far says the very differently from the possible specs! Why are you getting so defensive ?"


Your sarcastic comment to gain ground further highlights how on tilt you are I didn't make claims on power and so on so your R9 290 non-sense are as pointless as the anonymous sources running rampant on GAF, you however did make claims and used first year games to try and back up your claim that's more damage control then speculation as every person is aware we won't see actual optimized performance for a few years although chances are you would of disappeared by then given how speculators are.