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F0X said:
joora said:
All this talk about technology is actually starting to bother me.

I' sure that implicating that better technology is the main ingredient behind a better looking game is a bit insulting to a game artist. A great game is rarely bound by technology restrains, because those restrains were taken into consideration before development. A great game artist will immerse the player so deeply into the game, that the number of pixels or polygons will stop matter. Console gaming community has indeed become worse than digital photography one... and that is worrying

As a (first and foremost) PC gamer I find all this "pissing contest" quite amusing. And sad. Very sad. Ranking gaming systems primarily by their technical abilities is the worst thing a "gamer" can make. I can easily remember piles of moving squares that were more fun and immersive than many of todays HD "materpeices". Any gamer that dissmises a game solely on whether it's "only" 720p or looks "too childlish" should stop calling himself a gamer. Not to mention that it's very disrespectful to the people that put a good part of their lives into making it.

Put your prejudices aside and open your mind to new experiences. You might be surprised what you find.

I agree with this. I game mainly on PC these days with 3DS as my secondary system, but I don't have the money or patience to build a high-end gaming PC right now. And I don't really care. My $500 ultrabook can run most of the PC games I want to play (Minecraft, Civilization, XCOM, Sims, Batman, Garry's Mod, and more), and I don't see the benefit in upgrading for at least a couple more years.

I had the chance to put together a new rig a month ago, and I've decided to just save the money and go with a smaller footprint, ITX case to free up some space, with a lower-middle spec. I honestly couldn't justify the expence since nothning in the near future doesn't seem that interesting to me, except maybe Star Citizen, which I doubt that I'll have time and motivation necessary to get some mileage out of it. I have a huge backlog on Steam and indies seem to putting together some very interesting game concepts.

Bought a 3DS XL too less than a month ago, thought the low screen resolution will drive me nuts since I've grown accustomed to hi-res screens everywhere. That was luckaly not the case, and there are some great games on the system, I'm playing it more than my PC currently.
