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fatslob-:O said:

I'm not taking offence to anything. Power usage is a pretty clear indicator of how powerful a system is disregarding other differences like process nodes and dissimilar architectures. If you gamed on PC then you would know where I'm going with this but instead of trying to here out what I meant by "it can do more with less" you only revealed your intent to damage control in this thead. You made this way to obvious with the "I game on PC" cop out statement of trying to get more credibilty.

Hahahaha talk about being rattled, look back at all your posts you're the only one doing damage control you just don't like it when you're being pulled on it. Consoles do not work the same as PCs so me building my own of the latter doesn't make me an expert on console components, me gaming on PC is not a cop out it's telling you that even from my point of view all this speculation is just that in the end only that, people who are experts couldn't fathom the GPU design and said it's not like anything else hence throwing all speculation at that point out the window. You know what is a cop out you with your "more with less" stance and your earlier gem "I don't need concrete evidence someone else said the same" logic, I don't need credibility because I have made no claims on what any hardware is unlike you that's the difference and something you're struggling to contemplate when trying to turn the tables to look smart.

You've made a claim based on one thing power usage to declare something as fact, it's not me who needs credibility it's you yourself and your anonymous source.