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fatslob-:O said:

Your own official sources will never hand out secret info to anyone so why bother ?

@Bold I ain't too sure about that LOL. After all people keep saying that the internet is filled with sony fans. 

Conflicting speculation ? You either take it or leave it and BTW some hackers already confirmed what thw WII Us CPU is, I also wonder if he's just speculating too ? /sarcasm

FYI some of those rumors never change and infact would become a fact. 

Your guys at shin'en didn't deny the specs the WII U had, they only confirmed that it wasn't downgraded. A part of the "anonymous" rumors are being furthered by the the truth such as it's low power consumption and performance shown so far. 

Official sources? You're on tilt there son I never claimed to have sources or what anything is so it don't apply to me I didn't even bring up this developer Shi'en, you must be rattled as I didn't mention the CPU and only referred to the GPU which has been subject to speculation for months, so rattled you can't even put your sentence together properly is it hackers or just a hacker not mentioned you can't fathom who said what now that's how much on tilt you are right now.

Low power really doesn't tell us anything sorry to burst your bubble and you trying to peg performance on the few launch year games out is really calling your intentions out, it becomes funny when you bring out the get out of jail card in the "it can do more with less" when in other words it's simply more powerful basically as that's what more powerufl hardware does down the line, call it what ever you want efficient or what that's what the end result is.