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Escherichia said:
Bodhesatva said:

I'm not a fan of God of War. It's a hallmark of the e-thug market, which I really dislike. Less games like God of War, Gears of War, Warhawk, War War War War War, and more games like the Sims, Brain Age and Cooking Mama please!

/just my personal preferences

I don't know. I liked God of War, it was epic and the visuals were pretty much better than I ever expected outta the PS2. That being said, Kratos is the worlds only bald emo-kid, the character disgusts me and not because he's evil or anything. I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe because the developers just tried too hard to make him SUPER-COOL, and failed imo.

Yeah that's how I feel.  They tried so hard to make a "cool" character and ended up with an emo jackass lol.  I hate that style of "the badass" character as it is.