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fatslob-:O said:

35 watts isn't speculation! It's a proven fact by anandtech. I'm not looking for credibility per se but rather I'm looking for consistency. Those specs seem to match the power consumption of the device at hand. If you knew a thing about chip fabrication and their thermal designs the conclusion would be very easy to come towards. Rather than just call everything speculation you have to make a fine line between that and a hypothesis. I'm sure viktorBBK and pemalite would come to a similar hypothesis and they know a damn lot about semiconductor fabrication.

Yeah yeah man, credibility is everything at this point because all the whooha GAF and you lot are spouting it's all speculation, knowing the power consumption oesn't really back up anything you or your preferred speculator has said as I recall months back they were saying it matched something else, then another thing and quite frankly I don't care about you going on about chips and all that rubbish it's still speculation, you have no concrete evidence behind it all. The whole more with less stance comes across as a get out of jail card tbh.