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Legend11 said:
Nobody is going to argue that the Xbox 360 is not severely lacking in several genres (platformers for example) but so are some of the other consoles on that list. For example the N64 is lacking in Sports, WRPGs, JRPGs, Racing Sims, and Shooters.

I also don't think it deserves to be number one but if in the next 3 or 4 years it's able to get some fantastic platfomers (hopefully one of which will be Banjo Kazooie 3), some major JRPGs and MMORPGs (maybe Square Enix's Rapture MMORPG might be amazing), and many other huge titles it has a decent chance of reaching it.

 I was actually going to say I don't think even 360 supporters will claim it deserves #1 right now.  Perhaps after this generation when we look back things will be different but not right now...honestly any time one of these lists comes out its just best not to list anything current.

None of the current consoles deserve consideration for the top spot imo...there are too many questions yet to be answered this generation all around.  

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