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I'll start off with the Wii since I don't own one.  I own some games and have played a decent amount of games though.


Super Smash Bros Brawl.  Smash Bros has always been a fighter that anyone can play regardless of skill level.  The gameplay is so simplistic that most players will provide some sort of challenge, but at the same time it's deep enough to where skill is going to declare the winner.  Either way, win or lose, it's a game that everyone can have fun.

Every game after I haven't played but have more interest in these than any other game on the console, even ones I've played.

Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon.  I've purchased the game so when I get a Wii, now Wii U, I'll be able to play it.  Roguelike RPGs are a good genre and I felt Chocobo's Dungeon 2 on the PSX was the absolute best of them.  If this one is as good as that one, then I'll enjoy it.

Xenoblade Chronicles.  It's a beautiful game, open world with lots of quests, etc, but most of my interest is the hype.  Seeing it being called the greatest RPG this generation, although not sure how many RPGs those who state such have played, makes me interested.

Go Vacation.  Go Vacation has Mii characters in a huge open world.  I hear that it has problems, but the majority of the mini games are supposedly well developed.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.  It's Fire Emblem.  It'll atleast be as good as the worst game which means it'll atleast be good.

Xbox 360

Haven't played any of the exclusives that I'm interested in and have very little interest in anything than the first three I'm listing. 

Shadow Complex.  Metroid like game.  Looks awesome.

Lost Odyssey.  Another RPG I've heard was the best RPG this gen.

Tales of Vesperia.  It's a Tales game.  Being a main title, it should atleast be good.

Crackdown.  Want to see what all the hype about this game is.  I like Infamous 2, might like this game.  Graphics suck though.


Playstation 3

Twisted Metal.  The series has always been extremely unique, really nothing like it.  There are a lot of games that have attempted to emulate its style, but no games since the PSX other than other Twisted Metal games have been able to do so.  Blood Drive is the most recent failed attempt and it was horrible.  Twisted Metal 2, Black, and Rogue Trip 2012 have been the best games in this genre, and then the Twisted Metal reboot came out and in my opinion is the best of them because of the level design, but they're all almost equal.  You choose one of multiple vehicles with different HP, speed. and specials, and fight it out on one of many detailed mini open world maps.  Collecting power ups, taking shortcuts, grabbing health when you need some, etc.  While I doubt I'll find 15 people locally who want to play, the game does offer LAN play for up to 16 people using multiple PS3s(I'd assume four or more.)

Infamous 2.  An extremely fun open world third person shooter.  Cole has super powers, and has a much larger variety than the original, but it never feels like yo're too overpowered.  While Cole will grab onto objects that are near him, the game offers platforming as well.  Cole can climb anything that you could get a grip on.  There are over 40 main missions, almost all of them being well developed, and then there are side missions which aren't as well developed but the majority of them are good and extend gameplay further.  If you want more gameplay after doing everything there is to offer, then there's a large number of player created missions, and the majority I've played are actually good, as good as many of the sidequests by the developers.

Little Big Planet 2.  The main game is excellent and easily one of the best platformers this gen.  Sackboy can not only run and jump over death pits, but he can grab hold of certain materials to swing across, fling himself up, etc.  Like some platformers you can also receive power ups, but on here they're usable for a certain part of the levels rather than throughout the game.  The power ups will help you get through the level, so you might need to shoot a button that's on top of the ceiling, pick up explosives and throw them to blow up a wall, etc.  In LBP you can also create your own stages and some of the player created stages are amazing.  Simple stages like the many Shark Attack clones are good, but there are some levels with their own in depth mechanics.  If you don't want to wade through the created levels yourself, then there are hundreds of levels chosen by the developers as being some of the best.  There are some amazing levels that haven't been added to the Mm picks though, or maybe they finally have. 

Yakuza 4.  Aside from difficulty and most bosses, Yakuza 4 is better than the third game and I've put over 100 hours in both.  But where to start.  Let's just start at the mini games.  Yakuza 4 has all the mini games from three and then some, and if someone was to ask out of all the games I've played which game has the best mini g ames, well, it'd be Xenosaga and FF10 because of XenoCard and Blitzball :P, but next would go to Yakuza 4.  Yakuza 4 has a huge number of mini games, all of them extremely well developed.  They've got a lot of Japanese gambling and western gambling games, one, Pachinko, I got on first just to get the trophy, but as I learned what to do and how to play, it's really not difficult to see why pachinko is so popular in Japan.  There is Boxcelios and Boxcelios 2 which Sega could have sold for $10 each on PSN and got away with it as they're certainly better than a lot of that crap.  Batting Cages and Table Tennis are timed based where you really only need to press one button, but they're still enjoyable if you're going for a high score(I was once first place in Table Tennis with over 500 hits.) 

The story to Yakuza 4 is one of the best in video gaming.  You have to read subtitles if you're not fluent in Japanese, which is okay, and sure it's a little bit cliche when it comes to crime stories, but that doesn't change the fact that it's well written, extremely well done.  And then the end of the game?  You can expect to see Yakuza 4's ending, or rather all Yakuza games endings, in a list of most badass scenes ever in a video game.  The game really ends on a high note.

The regular combat while it's no God Hand, is better than just about every other beat em up.  It uses a finisher style where you have weak and strong attacks, single attack moves where you can dash in, evasion techniques, counter techniques, grab techniques, and heat actions.  Heat actions are skills that you build enough meter and then can use on an enemy in special circumnstances, much like regular attacks, except they take priority over anything that's happening and sometimes will even cause a QTE.  The QTEs during heat actions are integrated very well into combat and don't make it an annoyance.

Uncharted 3.  I thought both Uncharted 2 and 3 were almost just as good, but Uncharted 3 is ever so slightly better.  The melee combat in Uncharted 3 is better, and the melee specific battles in the game were a lot of fun.  Sure the melee events were scripted depending as depending on your location you could smack someone in the face with a beer bottle, a fish, or even throw someone out the window, but these parts were my favorite sections in Uncharted.  The parts where you were chasing someone or running away from people were also pretty tense and they were enjoyable sections that Uncharted 2 has, but they're much shorter sequences in comparison.  Overall, the game is Uncharted.  It's got a great third person shooter system and cover system, stealth works well, you climb up areas and have a sort of preset platforming that breaks away from the monotony of constantly shooting, the reason that a game like Vanquish even though having the same but more refined and better shooting is a worse game, in which you can also shoot or pull enemies off a ledge while you're hanging on the edge of a roof.  Multiplayer takes Uncharted's gameplay and puts it online, making for a very fun experience, although getting on it now is a bit unfun considering there are so many people who spend all day on the game and you really stand no chance if you don't have an equally good team.