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Let me try


1-Super Mario Galaxy games. It's not only fun, but also a true example that with good art direction, a less powerful console can have games that look as good or better than most of the games from the competition.

2-Xenoblade Chronicles. An unexpected game that left us wondering how such a game could exist on the Wii but also a prove that Japanese devs aren't dead, it's just that most of them are just doing it wrong. Yes, that goes for Square-Enix.

3-Endless Ocean games. A slow paced yet addictive (not the right word but I don't know how to express it) game. And it's really beautiful.

4-Zack & Wiki. I know that it's not one of the best games, but the many imaginative uses for the wiimote (and most of them even worked!) hasn't been beaten by anyone.

5-Wii Sports. A true showing of why motion games can work if done right. Simple, fun and addictive.



1-Forza games. A great franchise that has top quality graphics and that'a funto play. Some want to compare it Gran Turismo, but the gameplays are so different that they can complement each other.

2-Gears of War games. Visually impressive games with very good gameplay.

3-Ace Combat 6. A great game on the series, enough said.

4-Crackdown. A sandbox game with cell chaded graphics. It had its flaws, but it was something new, with the character evolution, that made it different from any other game of the genre.

5-Viva Piñata series. What?! It's fun and challenging. What else can I ask for in a game?


PS3 (console I don't own)

1-Uncharted saga. Being a modern Indiana Jones while shooting the villains? Sounds good to me.

2-God if War 3. Completely over the top (sometimes it goes too far with the gore) and sometimes frustrating with the little platforming it has, but always an experience. 

3-Infamous games. I like sandbox games, and if you add superpowers ...

4-Journey. I've read positive things about this game. I'd like to try it to see if they are true.

5-Gran Turismo. I'll be honest, I find it a bit boring. I know the "fun" is in driving well and all that. Thankfully, there's the arcade mode.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.