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5.Xenoblade Chronicles(Will probably go up but i only played 2 hours of the game because i was busy playing TW101)
4.Mario Power Tennis(if not acceptable then please count it as MH3)
3.The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess
2.Super Mario Galaxy 2
1.Super Smash Bros. Brawl (my third most played game in my entire life just behind GTA VC and San Andreas)
PS3(I don't own it but i tried a few games and some seem appealing even though i never tried them):
5.MGS 4 ( i don't like cinematic games much but it seems very well done)
4.Uncharted 2(Same as above but the gameplay seems more interesting)
3.PSABR( I love SSB and this seems like a nice try at that)
2.The Last of US(Played it and it was very interesting at the beginning but got a bit slower during my 1 hour time with the game but still kept me interested)
1.Little Big Planet 2(only played it for 25 minutes but i absolutely adore the game)
360(don't own one):
5.Forza 4(it played OK and kept me slightly interested to play it again)
4.Gears of War 3(Looks fun but i never tried it)
3.The Kinect(couldn't choose a game because each on their own don't interest me but all the kinect games make it seem worth owning)
2.Fable 2/3( i honestly don't care which one but they seem unique enough)
1.Halo 3(heard a lot of good stuff about it which left me very interested to play it)

bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :