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DerNebel said:
selnor1983 said:
DerNebel said:
selnor1983 said:
Either GT7 will take 20 years to make, or GT7 will have the same.

Glad we don't have 360 cars incuded. That would suck.

The game is rushed to make the console release, period. That GT7 comparison reeks of nothing but desperation.


GT is a series that uses last generation assests in a game that it looks so out of place on its stupid.

I commend Turn 10 for not cheaping my game with 360 assets.


You commend Turn 10 for taking out 300 cars and 50% of the tracks? 

Do you seriously not believe the game was rushed, do you think it was a design decision from the developer to ship the game with that much less content? You think it had nothing to do with time constraint? The game won't be what Turn 10 wants it to be when it releases and if you'd take a step back and think about the situation you'd realize that.

Also stop this GT bullshit, I don't even want to understand how this in your mind makes this whole situation any better. Fact is the GT that releases this december actually adds cars and tracks to its roster instead of taking them out to meet a console release.

To be fair there is a difference between rushed, and time constrained for launch. You can rush something regardless of time constraints and the results will show it. You can have a deadline for launch and still plan accordingly and have everything in your game be high quality. I am sure the two of you agree the game had a set deadline and there was only so much they could do, but that's true of any game. I don't think Forza 5 was "rushed", that just sounds bad.

Also selnor I agree wholeheartedly about the last gen assets. I adore Gran Turismo more than Forza,  but could not play GT5 long because of the jarring difference in visual quality in some of the content. I really hope PD takes their time with GT7 and we don't see any high res PS3 assets in the game next to amazing next gen stuff.