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If this is true then people who still plan to support this sort of company should question themselves.

A consumer has the right to know the complete value behind the product they are giving their hard earned money for, a morally responsible company would communicate to its customer the fullest specification and features behind the product they are selling.

Microsoft has failed in the honesty department. Their PR lies to their own fans and the blindly loyal turns a blind eye without any regard to their own rights and that of their fellow consumers.

What a shame. Answer me xbox fans, if this is true what will be your moral reasoning behind supporting this product? Have you any pride?

Intel core i7 930 OC @ 4.0 ghz

XFX Double dissipation Radeon HD 7950 356 bit 3gb GDDR5 OC @ 1150 MHz core + 1575 x 4 memory

Triple channel DDR 3 12gb RAM 1600 MHz