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So apparently if a man is running around half-naked in an entire game, it's not sexist. If a woman does, it's sexist. Got it. I like how with many people there always seems to be a legitimate reason for a man to nearly be in the nude but when it's a woman there is no reason at all for her to be that way. She must be dressed in a particular way because no real woman would ever wish to dress in such a manner, right? Is it not sexist to enforce limitations on how a woman should dress or be dressed? I thought feminism was about women being able to choose and do as they wish just as the men have always been able to and not about confining them to strict standards. In my experience, the ones most vocal about the appearance of a woman are the ones who don't look that way themselves. Come on. We can be objective about what an ideal man looks like but try to act anything but subjective on a woman's body and suddenly you're a pig? Get over it.

Plenty of women in videogames have not been portrayed as pin-up models gone bad. I will admit that games in which every woman seems to think that wearing scantily clad attire is the way to go is ridiculous but there are a ton of men in games walking around with no shirt or even less. Don't tell me some girls don't get hard nipples thinking about those "ideal" male bodies getting all sweaty. Toss in a couple girls showing immense cleavage and panty shots and all of a sudden we have an unacceptable situation on our hands. Sounds more to me like someone else's sexist tendencies being pushed on everyone else.