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Let's be honest if it wasn't for the price tag on PS3 in the first year or two, there would never of been a console war this generation.

PS3 & Xbox 360 for that matter also benefited from the longest console cycle 7 years...... Nintendo din't have enough foresight to release a new console in 2011. Clearly Nintendo's Wii add no more steam left after 2010 and Nintendo really needed to get a HD console to market before holiday 2012.

But you should have a disclosure that PS3 won the world wide console war. If you only look at the market of interest to us, North America, Xbox 360 is the clear winner and Microsoft is on pace to outsell the Wii lifetime in North America.

If you take out the Japanesse market which will never really support Microsoft console. Then the Xbox 360 still as better numbers life time then PS3.

Beside on the software side Wii still leads the race:

Wii 848,883,468
X360 789,582,075
PS3 711,505,002