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oniyide said:

LOL why you mad though? I like that their is a 3ds version. Smash on the go? Yes please. and you kind of lost credibility with the bolded, you havent EVEN seen the 3ds version and talking crap hell you havent even seen the WIi U version.

If you're going to try and waste time putting someone else down on an internet forum, you might at least want to learn some better grammar before doing so.


How can I have "lost credibility", when we're all just sitting here discussing our personal opinions on a given gaming topic? Not a single person on these forums is any kind of "gaming expert", we're just gamers with opinions, so your comments come off looking rather pointless.

And I hate to break it to you, but yes............I have actually seen Smash on Wii U. They have shown video footage, and it looks fantastic. And while I have no problem with "Smash on the Go", I do and always have had a problem with the pointless existence of a portable version of THIS Smash Bros. game. If they wanted to make a 3DS Smash down the line, fine, have at it. But THIS game should be Wii U only, just as the series has been home console only this entire time. If the 3DS port didn't exist, you wouldn't even be saying this, and you'd absolutely be planning to buy a Wii U to play the new Smash Bros. game.

As it is, the 3DS version is going to be, as I have said, a cheap port version of the game, I've seen pics, the graphics barely even hold up vs. Brawl on Wii. Seeing the game on Wii U, it's not even close. And Sakurai cryptically mentioning the possibility of having to hold content back from the Wii U version, because it needs to be "on par" with the 3DS version, is absolutely absurd. If anything, the Wii U version, the MAIN version of the game, the version with access to a 25gb BluRay style disc, should get all the extra content it possibly can. And if the unnecessary 3DS version has to miss out on certain characters/features/etc., so be it.

So thanks for playing, but no. You can like that there's a 3DS version of the game so that you don't have to spend money on a new console (even though you very well might do so for Mario Kart 8, or Zelda, or any other number of games anyway), but that doesn't make my sentiment that the 3DS version does not need to exist incorrect. And even if you do choose to get the 3DS version instead, yeah, as a Smash fan, I just can't see how you won't be NOT getting the lesser version, and not the full-on, authentic experience. Have a nice day.