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Deus Ex Human Revolution :Director's Cut bombed like everyone expected overall but mainly on PS3 and 360

On WiiU's top 10 best sellers in UK Deus Ex came at number 4 the dropped to number 9 the following Week

On both PS3's top 30 Full Price best sellers and budget best sellers Deus Ex didn't show up, it only had 4 new games to compete with and couldn't show up at all in the Full-Price or the Budget Best sellers

On both 360's top 40 Full Price best sellers and budget best sellers Deus Ex didn't show up, it only had 5 new games to compete with and couldn't show up at all in the Full-Price or the Budget Best sellers

As a note Deus Ex was priced at 24.99 on both PS3 and 360 and at 29.99 on WiiU

In the USA the pricing is far different being 29.99 on PS3 and 360 and 49.99 on WiiU so the same situation didn't happed

PS3's Full Price best Sellers Oct 26th:

360's Full Price Best Sellers Oct 26th:

PS3's Budget Best sellers:

360's Budget Best Sellers:

Wii U Best Sellers:

It flopped all around but by WiiU measures it did okay, personally i think SE shouldn't have made it at all or at least chose a different release date for the game, anyway even on WiiU people who wanted the game bought it on the first two days

if you looked at the games outselling it you'll see Black Ops, MW2, AC Brother Hood and so on so i thought that it had a very terrible performance even worse than expected

Anyway i added a poll tell me what you think, also since Windwaker as NO.1 did 1.7K i think that Deus Ex did 800-1000 units sold and about 500-800 on PS3 and 360

I'm tired of explaining myself so i changed the title.


bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :