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So, I had this thought today. I sometimes go with the flow on the wii u hate. Mostly just some snarky comments/threads here and there since I find it amusing at how bad the console is doing sales wise. It doesn't help that it has so many shortcomings either like hardware, 3rd party, etc. You get the point lol. So, I decided to try to recall how much info on the wii u I looked up before its launch and after. A big factor was prob since I hated the wii. The only info I consumed on it was from various forums like this or neogaf when there is an amusing title. I didn't even care when it launched, hell I didn't even know about it. I figured out that I honestly couldn't give two shits/apathy about the wii u either way as a gaming console, but I'm more interested in its overall situation with sales, price, etc. I guess it would kind of be like the vita if I actually cared for handhelds at all. Wait, not sure if this statement is of any releveance to the title xD So, what do you think overall? The apathy might change farther down the line, but right now apathy is all there is for the wii u as a gaming console to play. So is anyone else like this or is there genuine hate for this failing system? So going with the hate since it's an easy target/interest in the situation rather then the console itself?