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aikohualda said:
i thought it wouldve sell like 10 million in first year :( my forecast is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off....

i am not sure if mk8 or ssb can save wii u.. i mean gc also had those games and look at the result

To be perfectly fair, Double Dash was a serious mis-step for the Mario Kart franchise. Like Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker, it has it's ardent fans, but on the whole DD is considered to be a lesser entry. MK8 is the first MK in quite some time to truly look fresh and like they're really putting forth a huge effort into it, and I think it will have a hell of a lot more buzz surrounding it near release than DD did, DD being a game that justifiably got a "what the hell is that?" reaction from many people.I also think that since Mario Kart DS and Wii, the MK franchise has become a lot more popular in the mainstream than it was before DD released.

As for Smash Bros., people were excited for Melee, and it was a great game that didn't (at the time) disappoint, but again, it was a sequel to an N64 title that was more of a sleeper hit, a curiosity than anything. Brawl really took the popularity and anticipation of the series to new heights, and I think the franchise is much more "visible" now than it was before Melee's release. Meaning there are a lot more people likely to buy a Wii U just to play the new Smash next year, than there were who bought a GC just for Melee.

So yes, I do think those two games will impact sales in a very positive way. But let's not forget X, and Bayonetta, SMT x Fire Emblem, and most importantly, "Zelda U", which is bound to be that kind of "centerpiece" title that really shows off the system's muscle, and wows people, just as Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess once did. It's not really a matter of one or two games "Saving" the console. It's a matter of building up a libarary of quality game after quality game, adding up more reasons for someone to want to buy the system in the first place.