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Nintendo struggle are self inflicted, they cut down the hardware to the point of making the WiiU so under-powered that it barely outperform the current gen Xbox 360 and PS3. Yet, these cost cutting measures were not enough to make the WiiU attractive to the Casual market. In order for them to really attract a casual market the system should of release at $299 for the premium bundle and casual friendly bundle at $250.

Nintendo's WiiU as done much worst then I anticipated, there should of been a price drop in May 2013. Nintendo should of also release a NSMBU bundle with the price drop.

Wii Fit U and the new 3d Mario game can still save the WiiU in 2013, regardless how good does this holiday 2013 was a disaster for the WiiU and Nintendo is to blame.

Looking forward to 2014,
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Super Smash Bros
Mario Kart 8
Bayonetta 2
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

If Monolith new RPG "X' release in 2014 with Monster hunter 4 then 2014 could easily be the year of the WiiU.

I also predict that a WiiU system without any game will hit the market next year and will cost $250 or less. (maybe a free download code of Wii Sports games)