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attaboy said:
mjo011 said:
I agree, sadly. I really love playing on it though, more so than my PS3.
I think people will be underwhelmed by the effect the upcoming games will have on sales of the console. Mario 3D World will sell very well and move hardware, but the mini game collections are going to bomb and I don't see Wii Fit U selling all that much. Non-exclusive games aren't going to move any hardware.

I totally agree with you.  And like you, the Wii U pretty much dominates my gaming time.  It's great but Nintendo has made virtually no effort to get the word out to the mainstream.  And I don't think party/fitness games are going to be what saves it.  People fell for that "I'm going to lose 100lbs. playing Wii" crap once.  They won't fall for it again.  In fact, I think you may be me.  What number are you thinking of righ now?

I have no idea how well consoles usually sell during the holidays in the various regions, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if total sales are above 6 - 6,5 million at the end of December.