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maybe it because they suck balls, I'm sure it's that.

Lets face it, motion controls would have only every worked if it was true 1:1 motion and not the retarded waggle fest that it became, tech limitation stopped it from becoming anything more than a passing FAD, hell just look at 3D technology and films, two fucking tries, and to fucking failures, again it all came down to limitation of tech, people don't wanna wear retarded glasses, and thats proven by the fact that 3D content has died as the market simply doesn't give a shit, it could have gone from FAD to something as mainstream as 1080p TVs, but that required that the 3D could be achieved at 1080p with out glasses for a relatively low entry price....again tech limitation stopped that happening, same for motion controls.
(For those saying that motion controls, and by proxy the Wii, wasn't a FAD, then ask your self why Nintendo themselves ditched the motion control and implemented a standard controller configuration with the sole addition of a touchscreen, clearly Nintendo saw motion controls as a dead end, and so chose to move on. also the Wii sales have the same exact properties of a FAD, front loaded which tops out fast and then flat lines, this doesn't mean that sales are bad, just that it was a FAD.)

But you never know, motion controls like 3D movies may get a second chance, and if it does it better make something for it's self, otherwise the same thing will happen again...frankly I don't give a shit about motion controls, if they exist, cool, more people get to enjoy gaming in different ways, but hell no if they fuck up meh games.