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The ps4 single player is taking forever to download so I will give my impressions of the eurogamer x1 single player vs ps4 multiplayer.

Something for readers to know before I get into it.

I am viewing the videos with VLC player 2.8 connecting my macbook to my gaming 24" 1080p GPX TV via HDMI connection.

I am trying my best to be objective about this but I am pro xbox one coming in so I can't fully say bias doesn't play somewhere in my view (I hope I blocked it though)

I sat at the distance I usually play games at and even held my 360 controller in my hand to really get into it.

The blur on the ps4 (at least the multi player video) was non existent or minuscule to the point of not noticeable in fluent play.

I noticed the textures and lighting that seem to be easily noticeable in side by side images were just plain stupid to try to analyze whilst I was viewing individual videos filling my screen so it's hard to say what was better at it sense I was going off memory from what I saw it proved to be a minor issue.

The PS4 multiplayer DID look better. Not in the way you would think though. It looked fun with a lot of stuff happening everywhere explosions etc etc.

The X1's single player looked boring with a low action scripted storyline, but graphically, even though the multiplayer was all the elements of the game on full display the overall appeal in the x1 single player was better on an obvious level. it was fluent and crisp were as in comparison the ps4 multi player was bland and unstable. So I have to laugh at the idea that the multiplayer looked better graphically. it did look like more fun to play though.

Overall I did get the feeling from both videos that the visuals were pretty decent but I was still not that impressed. I know my little 360 put some games on my screen that looked better in the past..

When I was writing this the ps4 single player finished downloading so I will be right back with my impression of that.

Edit: Watched 12 mins of the ps4 clip, nothing to add, it looks like the xbox one version.............well yeah thats my take, based off this game....they are the same, pictures are stupid, all they prove is that the same game is running on different systems so random generated things will flip flop what system they look better on. Watching these from the comfort of my home rather than a hectic nerd environment I think My head is clear enough to make a rational comparison, it would be different if I had the contoller in my hand to controlthe characters though, that is a bonus.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)