Ponyless said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said: LOLOL. Both of their campaigns suck. To say that conduit had a better campaign is laughable at best. They were both just as bad. What matters the most is that BF4 is a higher quality game than what conduit could ever hope to be as evidenced by it's massive player base.
I never said they didn't suck. I was using their badness as an example that BF3 being even worse campaign-wise makes it truly awful.
Also, sales do not equal quality.
If sales did not equate to quality then I guess the Wii was an awful system while the virtual boy was the best thing since buttered toast LOL. I guess mario games are less than everything. (It's like malstrom said, people who do not use the business gavel so they will fail to get why something is successful in the first place.) Like it or not sales DOES equate to quality otherwise some publisher would stop funding it. That is why call of duty remains as the top franchise this generation compared to everything else. Call of duty is gold while conduit remains in brown stain.
What a massive straw man of a post you just made.
Nothing was exactly strawman. You just proved malstrom even further as to why gamers do not talk about game business. If anything the people with gaming stigma just proves malstroms point how overly infatuated they are with the idea of quality instead of actually looking at the real numbers.