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shloob said:
iamdeath said:

Umm no. PVP was epic in demons souls.. Clunky controls?????? No, the controls are perfect and it has the smoothest most precise comabt ever. not one review said the control were clinky...please. The combat animations and controls put every other RPF to shame. You don't know what you are talking about.

Now you are just getting ridiculous.  The games has horrendously clunky controls. The comabte is far from smooth and precise. You obviously eat, sleep and dream Demon souls and Dark souls. Therefore there is no reason to attempt to try and talk to someone as narrow minded an individual as you are.

?? Show me one review that doesn;t praise the combat and says the game has clunky controls??? The game is KNOWN for it's ultra precise combat and controls.....lmao. I'm sorry, buy you are saying it despite all evidence saying otherwise.


Every review, disagrees. one of many above.....




It starts with the deliberate and wonderful combat, which doesn't seem complex at first, but reveals its subtleties in time. Rarely will mindlessly hacking and slashing get you anywhere, unless death is your ultimate goal. You need to contemplate every move, swing only when you are sure you won't be countered, and switch weapons or use items only when you are sure your window of opportunity is wide enough. You'll encounter all sorts of awesome and unnatural beasts, from tumbling skeletal fiends to frightful three-faced larvae, and while they have a set number of attacks, they still behave unpredictably. You will undoubtedly take a lot of damage until you learn the subtleties of fighting each enemy, but combat feels just right. You move with the right amount of weight, combos take time to pull off, and animations are silky smooth. Everything moves and interacts in the way you'd expect. If your sword hits the wall instead of the enemy, it will glance off. If a demon knight rears back just before you do the same, his sword will make contact at the part of your body that you left unprotected. These touches may seem small and unimportant, but when every second counts, and when life and death are separated by a millimeter or two, you rely on such consistency.

The challenging combat is enhanced by a number of innovative online features that invite players to interact with each other. To survive, you not only need to pay careful attention to your environs, but you must be mindful of the clues other players have left for you, both purposeful and accidental. The game's online integration is nothing like you've ever seen, and it's a core component of the Demon's Souls experience. The signs and indications of other players are everywhere. You'll see translucent white ghosts roaming your world, moving about and swinging their weapons, though you can't directly interact with them. These spirits are actually other players. They are fighting the same enemies and sprinting across the same bridges, but they inhabit their own worlds, not yours. You see only their apparitions, but those apparitions may be enough to clue you in to a surprise ambush up ahead or a bit of hidden loot around the corner.


So, why didn;t any reviews encounter this so called imprecise combat and clunky controls?