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Captain_Tom said:
CGI-Quality said:
Captain_Tom said:
CGI-Quality said:
Somini said:
HOLY!!! This would be a great game to announce. If there is 1 game that would make get an Xbox One, it's this one. I just LOVEEEEE the Souls series.

This would never be on the X1. Demon's Souls is Sony owned.

OT: MASSIVE if true! Day 1, without hesitation! 

This is probably just Dark Souls 2 on PS4 isn't it?  I mean I love Demon's Souls to death (Platinumed both the NA and Chinese version), but Dark Souls is way too similar for there to be two separate series...

Yeah, I edited. "Spiritual Successor" suggests this is not a Demon's Souls sequel. They may have snagged this for the PS4, as an exclusive for next gen, however. In fact, that is what I expect.

For give me, though, I LOVED Demon's Souls.

Dude I have logged over 1000 hours of that game.  I have never had my expectations of a game curb stomped so hard.  It just blew me away.  But seriously I hope they do anounce DS2 on PS4 with the same release date of March.  I do not want it on PS3, and I am worried the PC version will not be well supported.  Plus the playstation community is just so much bigger than any other in this game.


Also listen to this and try not to get emotional about how much you miss "The Good ol' Days" :

Oh im having an origasim full of nostalgia right now :*D


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!