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Play4Fun said:

Oh please, from a business perspective, Vita is a mistake/failure. I'm sure Sony wanted it to do much, much better than it is doing now. It fell way below expectations.

And using the 'anyone who thinks Vita is a mistake isn't a gamer' line is such bs. That's like saying anyone who thinks the Dreamcast/GC were mistakes isn't a gamer just because a subset of people liked the library of games.


Vita is not a mistake, it's an incredible system. The mistake on Sony's part is supporting the PS3 way too long instead of supporting the Vita. Just compare the 2013 1st party lineup for both consoles. PS3 shouldn't have gotten a single PS3 game in 2013 or 2014, they all should already be divided between PSV and PS4. In 2013 Vita got only one AAA game in the West - Killzone. One game for the whole bloody year!! How many consoles have sold well with such a jampacked lineup? You can add Tearaway as the second game, but it's made by what, 11 people? It will be awesome, but if that's the best we get it really is a joke on Sony's part. Vita gets nothing and meanwhile PS3 gets a brand new IP from Naughty Dog, a new God of War, Ni No Kuni, Gran Turismo 6(why?), Puppeteer (why? Just why?), Rain, Beyond - as if it was still in the middle of the fight with the X360! X360 got just a single 1st party game in 2013 and somehow it's still ok, nobody cares - cause PS3 and X360 are already DONE!! Nobody cares! So why the hell is Sony still supporting it? And MS hasn't got another platform starving for exclusives! Seriously, Sony is acting as if it really mattered how many PS3's these games pushed in 2013. As if such late adopters would give Sony more money than potential early Vita adopters. The person responsible for not ordering to turn all these games into PSV exclusives (Shu?) should be fired on the spot, because he singlehandedly marginalised this platform (I still hope it's not killed yet, but I'm losing faith).

To sum up - Vita is incredible. The 2013 support is a mistake. No platform will be successful without support. Sony's stupidity in 2013 is one of epic proportions and I'm actually surprised Vita is managing to keep selling the way it does. There has never been a platform that sold with just one big game a year. If Sony was expecting Vita to be the first one... well... they should be happy with what they got either way.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.