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Daisuke72 said:
oni-link said:
EricFabian said:
reggin_bolas said:
Less than 5.5 for sure. Wii U is the biggest flop of all time.

Virtual Boy, Dreamcast..........

nah...those game systems actually had redeemig qualities...unlike the Vita which I can't think of one!!! That actually is the biggest flop of all time.  Glad Sony is still trying to keep it on life support; hopefully it continues to drain their resources and eventually make games for Microsoft!!!!

Literally the most hateful post I've ever seen on this site.


Simply embarrassing, tbh. 

You obviously haven't been on the site that long or you are not one of many Nintendo or Microsoft fans that had been harrassed here by many Sony trolls!!! Either saying the 3DS is the biggest flop or that TitanFall is going to PS4 when it said it will remain MS exclusive for it's life. Oh and don't forget the meltdown when Bayo 2 went exclusive to Nintendo!!! That one was pure comedy!!! You should be embarrassed to pretend otherwise if you are!!!