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Who are these numbers supposed to impress? I would imagine it being a big deal for people interesting in working with this kind of stuff in one way or another. but the average gamer like me that learned the term native res about 4/5 days ago and can't even see why ryse couldn't have just been a 360 game, It's nothing.

As for game reviewers, I used to stack games that gamespot rated 8 and higher and all I ended up with was a large collection of games that were impressive by metric score standards but rarely held my interest to completion..

I'ma go with my gut, its the only thing that has worked for me, dictation has been mostly miss.

Just want to know if this desperate cry for general recognition of superiority will ever end or if this is what I can expect as the norm around here?

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)