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zorg1000 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
xenogears1234 said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
Also, Wii has the highest selling version of Skylanders, at least in the US.
Still quite a few active Wii owners, contrary to what the internet will tell you.

people never said anything to the contrary, its the TYPE of games these active users are still playing.

The intrnet is full of claims that Wii owners don't buy games anymore and "they're all in the cupboard gathering dust".

Yes the entire internet does claim that, and based on this site and every other sites numbers those facts seem to be born out.  Have you seen what nintendo's global software numbers have been the last couple yrs compared to sony/microsoft.  There is a very good reason that people believe that most wii's are sitting on shelfs collecting dust, it also doesnt help when nintendos follow up console is practicly ignored both in terms of software and hardware.

Nearly 400,000 units of Wii software sold on the week ending 12st October. That's for a console that's been replaced for a while now. Wiis are clearly not all "gathering dust". People not only still play them, they still buy new games for them.

most of those are sold during the holidays, while people buy and play games for the HD twins all year round. Doesnt make you wrong just making a point.

According to this site, there has been over 20 million units of Wii software sold this year so plenty of Wii owners buy games all year round

what were the best selling titles, how much of them werent bundled.