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I personally think that this was by far the greatest gen of gaming ever. We had some of the greatest games ever made such as GTA 5, Batman Arkham City, Borderlands 2, Skyrim,  Fallout 3, Fable 3, God of War 3, Mass Effect 2, Team Fortress 2, Bioshock series, Assassins Creed series, Gears of war series, Uncharted series, and who could forget Call of Duty series!!! which revolutionized gaming and made it more appealing to the casual.  Yes some might hate COD and it's totally fine but one cannot deny that COD was the biggest success in this gen what i mean by that is that thanks to COD other developers were inspired to make great games such as Killzone, Battlefield etc.  I know I haven't listed so many other great games so forgive me..

What was your favorite moment of this gen? that made you go whoa! and made you jump up and down. For me it would have to be when Hideo Kojima surprised all of us by showing up at the Microsoft E3 and annoucning that MGS is coming to XBOX!  I was so excited because I am a big MGS fan and I owned the Xbox so it meant that I wont be needing to purchase a PS3 to play MGS games.  PLEASE SHARE YOUR FAVORITE MOMENT! and... you favorite game(s)

I trust no one, not even myself.